
1.1. Improvement of  bioinformatics knowledge needed for NGS pharmacogenomics analyses and development of ePGX-WB assistant

1.2. Gaining knowledge on human iPSC-based model system

2.1. Pilot research study: pharmacogenomics population analysis

2.2. Design of bioinformatics pipelines for NGS analysis and bioinformatics basis for ePGA-WB

3.1. Promotion and dissemination of knowledge on PGX significance gained at PharmGenHUB

3.2. Increasing general public awareness on PharmGenHUB activities

4.1. Reinforcing the research supporting structures and offices of the IMGGE

4.2. Increasing the success rate of IMGGE for project funding

4.3. Enhancing IMGGE researchers’ capacities in IP protection and technology transfer

5.1. Coordination of  the Project activities

5.2. Logistic support for the activities of all WPs

5.3. Development of a sustainability plan

6.1. Setting out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.