Tag Archive : Branka Zukić

The program of the PGx Day Population pharmacogenomics Branka Zukić, PhDInstitute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic EngineeringUniversity of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia PharmGenHUB in Western Balkan Project Branka Zukić, PhDInstitute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic EngineeringUniversity of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia 25 Years of Pharmacogenetics in N. Macedonia: from research to implementation 30min Acad. Prof. Aleksandar Dimovski, […]

PharmGenHUB team from IMGGE have presented scientific data related to the pharmacogenomics and the PharmGenHUB project to the Western Balkan scientific community.   

Branka Zukic presented PharmGenHUB project to the Scientific Community of Serbia.

September 2022 – ESHG Pharmacogenetics Course, Portoroz, Slovenia