9 Oct, 2023 | PharmGenHub Editor | No Comments
NextSeq 2000 has arrived in IMGGE to be used for the realization of the PharmGenHUB project
NextSeq 2000 has arrived in IMGGE to be used for the realization of the PharmGenHUB project
The Second Congress of Molecular Biologists of Serbia (CoMBoS2) with international participation took place in Belgrade from 6th to 8th October 2023. PharmGenHUB Project members Branka Zukic, Nikola Kotur and Vladimir Gasic organized a workshop “Next Generation Sequencing and the Portable Molecular Biology Laboratory in Pharmacogenomics” to 20 students, CoMBoS2 participants. UNITS member Gabriele Stocco […]
European Researchers’ Night, September 2023
First Summer School was organized as PhD week from 11th September-15th September 2023. in Trieste, Italy. PhatmGenHUB project participated in the Summer School “Course of Sciences in Reproduction and Development” with a workshop on the topic of application of next generation sequencing in pharmacogenomics.
Meeting of IMGGE and UL staff, partners of PharmGenHUB project